Having a problem with a financial product or service?
It is the policy of Guaranty Bank and Trust Co. to respond timely and accurately to any complaint by a customer about any aspect of the bank’s products, services or the manner in which the customer perceives that he or she has been treated, provided that the person making the complaint provides identification.
Guaranty Bank views the prompt resolution of complaints as critical in reinforcing positive relationships with our customers. Complaints can be beneficial as they can provide staff with opportunities to clarify misunderstandings, adjust or provide services to better meet a customer’s needs, or to simply demonstrate the bank’s commitment to providing quality service.
Complaints can be received verbally, in writing, or electronically. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated by the bank’s Chief Operations Officer. Every attempt will be made to resolve a customer’s complaint at the time the complaint is made. If additional time is needed for research, customers will be told when to expect a resolution and/or answer.
Customers are also reminded that complaints can be received by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by calling 1-855-411-2372 or by going online to www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint.